Tuesday, February 22, 2011

my testimony

At the age of eleven my mom sister and I began attending a church in Howell NJ. I always thought of God as a superior being, but I never thought about him much. I was much more interested in what my friends and peers thought than going to church. The church offered a teen retreat In Pennsylvania and after much persuasion I reluctantly went along. I began to realize that most of the other kids on the retreat seemed a lot happier than me and a lot more content with life, I also couldn’t understand why they were being so nice to me. I soon realized that they had something that I didn’t-Jesus. I realized that If I were to die tomorrow I would not go to heaven because I didn’t have a personal relationship with God. After realizing this, I became a Christian on the last day of the retreat. Since then there has been a huge change in my life because, my life is centered on not what others think of me but what God thinks. I also try to put others before myself because that is exactly what Christ did when he died on the cross to save the world from sin.